
Running on Fumes (June 2009)- Amy Jackman After the Twilight Zone experience outside of Fairbanks, having made it through Denali National Park, and a mountain top lunch; we were on the home stretch back to Anchorage where Angie and Mbwana would catch their plane out that night when………………………..OMG we are almost out of gas! I guessed that we could go maybe 20 miles or so and had no idea where we were. To top it off there was no cell coverage to look it up. We drove and drove until we found a small place that had no visible fuel pump, passed it for about a mile and then decided to turn around and go back. Thankfully we did……………the next gas station was almost 20 more miles down the road. We would never have made it! So this blip on the map is called Trapper Creek. Home to the Blue Grass Festival and the summer home of author Jean Carey Richardson. They gave us gas from the lawnmower and we bought art, postcards and a book that Jean signed for us. SCORE!


Outside Denali and out of Gas

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