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Photo Highlights: Scenic Sunny Drive McArthy to Anchorage

2 Jul

Photo Highlights- Food Tasting @ McArthy

2 Jul

Photo Highlights- Kennecott Mines Day

2 Jul

Photo Highlights- Rafting & Flying in McArthy Day

2 Jul

Photo Highlights- Valdez to McArthy

2 Jul

Photo Highlights- Whittier & Valdez

2 Jul

Photo Highlights- Fishing & BBQ

2 Jul

Photo Highlights- Kenai Arrival

2 Jul

Building bridges

1 Jul

I took over 3000 photos on this trip and in the midst of even trying to organize them all whilst continuing on my journey to London, I thought it best to pick out one photo for today that sums up the trip for me- this is not the best photo, just one that resonates with me at this point in time…

It is all about building connections to new experiences

This wooden tristle once connected the remote copper mines of Kennecott in Wrangell-St.Elias Park with the main railroad route, it was said to be an impossible project given hardships such as bitter winters and shifting glaciers… but this bridge opened up the copper route during the industrial and “electrification” revolution to wire up the world. This is exactly what I believe my whole Alaska experience to this point with 4 trips so far, building bridge to rich and unknown lands- that connection for me was Letitia, a friendly artist I bumped into and had a drink with in Seattle airport who invited me to Alaska, which then lead to meeting Amy “AlaskaAmy” who motivated me to return more than once through shared passions, interests and a great friendship. This in turn led to me to inviting Aleksander and Deborah this year and 2 other friends last year- together we have uncovered deep riches through experiences that this trip has brought- I can’t thank Amy enough for making such a fantastic trip possible yet again (bar keeps keep getting raised with each trip!) and I hope to continue to build connections in future- Alaska and beyond.

You will have to wait until I get to spend more time organizing the photos on the plane to London before you get the full set. It will be good- I promise!

Anchorage to Kenai on the Seward Highway

24 Jun

And we are on our way!

UPDATE : Extended photo  recap of this journey is up more to be added later.